Category: <span>Remedy</span>

12 Foods That May Protect the Liver

12 Foods That May Protect the Liver

1. Coffee 3-4 cups daily of any type of coffee may lower the risk of chronic liver disease and its complications. Note: 3-4 cups of coffee daily may not be appropriate for all patients, please talk to your healthcare provider before increasing caffeine consumption. 2. Whole oats or steel cut oats Studies in mice suggest...

Five Quick Remedies To Cure Constipation

Five Quick Remedies To Cure Constipation

Ask yourself – when was the last time you went to the bathroom? If you’re suffering from constipation, you probably paused to think a while before answering. A 2011 survey by United BioSource Corporation estimated that about 30.8 % of American men and women experience chronic constipation. Be it an unhealthy diet or lack of...